Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Elements and Principles of Design for 2nd Grade

Element: Line
Line is a form that connects at least two different points in a picture. Lines have a direction and length.
This is a closeup of the laces on my boots, the crossing laces being the lines.
Element: Texture
Texture is how something feels when you touch it. It can be soft and smooth, hard and rough, or anywhere in between. In pictures, you can tell that something feels a certain way, even though you aren't actually touching it.
This is a closeup of bark on a tree, the rough surface creating a texture.
Element: Space
Space is the main object of a picture and its relation to its background. Space helps you determine if something is close up, or far away.
This is a picture of the NSU water tower, taken from below. The water tower appears to get smaller as your eyes move up the picture, because things look smaller when they're further away from you.

Element: Color
Color is how bright or dark a color is, as well as how one color looks compared to all the other colors in the picture. There are warm and cool colors.
This is a closeup of a door decoration our RA made. The bright colors are attention-grabbing and pop out at the viewer.

Principle: Movement
Movement can show that something in a picture is moving, even though it is only a picture.
This is a picture I took while riding in a car down 6th Avenue. The blurred street lights and car lights indicate movement. 

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